Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Don't blink or you'll miss it

Some of the most delightful flowers only open for a day before they die. The most common is the Hibiscus, which you can see in almost every supermarket floral department.

Today our Astrophytum bloomed. I had been watching the flower bud swelling on top of the catus, and warned David that it would be blooming any day now. We missed the opportunity to photograph it a couple of times last year, since we didn't know the bloom would only last a day and by the time we checked up on it after work, it had already closed.

Caught it this time though.  It is a hybrid and the cactus is about 1 1/2 inches wide by 1 inch tall.  At its peak the flower is as big as the cactus. It blooms a couple of times a year and it has no scent.


  1. Hi Kelly, Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a pretty little treasure you have captured here.
    We don't often get to Kingston, but I love visiting the farmer's market when we are there. There is another blogger who lives in Kingston area. Her blog is here:http://canadiangardenjoy.blogspot.ca/. Also there is blog out of PEI that you might like: http://canoecorner.blogspot.ca/

    1. Thanks for the comment Jennifer. I will check out the blogs you suggested. It's always interesting to see what other garden bloggers are writing about.

      And I'm also looking forward to visiting your blog again http://threedogsinagarden.blogspot.ca/
